Sunday, April 21, 2013

He always pays his debts. The Kingslayer. I just did a quick color job over the pencils.

Newest commission

Latest commission work. Here you have the mother (middle), son (left), and daughter (right) all as children. This was kinda of challenging to say the least.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

So here's a new commission. Done for a high school classmate.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Faber Castell is my friend.

This is a picture I took with my phone. I was trying out my new Faber Castell pencils. 

The Man of Steel

I'm like a little kid at Christmas waiting on the new Man of Steel movie, so I thought I'd do a piece or two for myself and maybe some prints for friends.
Diane Lane as Martha Kent.

Final pencils for the poster. 

And the final piece.

Costner. Enough said. 

Game of Thrones

So, I'm new to the whole blogging thing but I thought I'd give it a shot anyway just to see what all the fuss is about. Anyway, I've been working on a series of posters and such for Game of Thrones. I really enjoyed all the books and the series is great. Here's a few pieces here.

Jon Snow and Samwell Tarley. Done from my sketchbook.

The first of three GOT posters. 

Dany. I really enjoyed this. It's simple, plus I got the face right which is always a plus. 

Brienne of Tarth.
The Hound.

You can't spell bro without Bronn. 

Margery Tyrell of House Tyrell.